

by Peter MacDonald和James Helicke

This summer, Kaylee Jellum '22 and Riley Mallory '22 are using metal detection and ground-penetrating radar to peer back into an 18th-century farmstead buried in Skidmore's 北部森林. 

Their collaborative research project with Associate Professor of Anthropology Siobhan Hart is helping to document past land use and provide information that can support 努力保护该地区的文化和历史资源. 

The project is one of dozens — across disciplines ranging from anthropology and computer science to neuroscience and social 工作 — that are taking place in person and on Skidmore's 在流感大流行期间上网后,今年夏天的校园.  


艾比·施林格,22岁 pours liquid nitrogen as part of a research project with Associate 化学教授Juan Navea.

总共有87名学生 参加了 ,其中39名学生直接获得了资助  暑期教师学生研究计划, and 48 are funded primarily through external grants ranging from the National Science 肯德尔·杰克逊葡萄酒基金会.

Thirty-four professors from 14 different disciplines are 工作ing with the students. 大多数项目的持续时间是 10周 ,少数只有5周.  

Abena Gyampo, 23岁

Abena Gyampo, 23岁 participates in a gathering with dozens of other students in Skidmore's 暑期合作研究项目.

Associate Professor of Political Science Bob Turner, who directs the program, noted the rich interdisciplinary quality of Skidmore’s summer research 项目 and the opportunity 与教师导师密切合作.  

“夏天的火博体育和萨拉托加斯普林斯非常棒 — conduct research with professors and peers, make new friends, go on super fun hikes 和游泳. 你无法战胜它,”特纳说. 

Skidmore 2021年夏季合作研究的一些例子包括: 

化学: Development of Low-Cost Method for Analyzing Iodide in Hydrofracking Flowback Water

计算机科学: 安全共享COVID-19健康数据

健康与人体生理科学: Potential Racial Differences in Sitting-Induced Vascular Dysfunction: Is Intermittent 被动腿部运动是一种有效的对策? 

经典: 卡门的错误:拉丁课堂中的角色扮演

社会工作: Ecomapping 作为与LGBTQ青年合作的实践框架

环境研究及科学: 可持续的清真:首都地区穆斯林妇女的食物选择


杰勒姆和马洛里正在丹顿故居进行考古实地调查, 这是一座18世纪的农场,位于学院占地165英亩的北森林内. 

"We have been finding some really interesting artifacts at deeper levels than we had 想象. 由于在此之前没有进行过挖掘,我们对此知之甚少 what we would find, so it has been one surprise after another so far — stained-blue 窗玻璃,金属托盘,骨头等等!杰卢姆说.

"I can't wait to see where we go next and where future Skidmore archeology students 以丹顿的网站为例."  

Associate Professor of Anthropology Siobhan Hart 工作s with Kaylee Jellum ’22 in Skidmore's 北部森林.

Associate Professor of Anthropology Siobhan Hart 工作s with Kaylee Jellum ’22 in Skidmore's 北部森林.

In addition to uncovering information about the area’s history, both seniors are developing 提升职业发展的技能.

"This research will begin a multi-year investigation by Skidmore students and faculty into the experiences of these people with whom we share a home place across time," 领导考古项目的哈特副教授说.

"This research collaboration will give Kaylee and Riley hands-on experience with data collection, processing and analysis — skills that are broadly applicable" to their 大学毕业后的职业目标.


加藤春,24岁 speaks during a 暑期合作研究项目 meeting in June.

Emme Tissue ’23 and Siddharth Nizamuddin ’21 traveled to Tennessee for their summer 项目. 他们在Caney Fork农场工作,前副总统的家庭农场 戈尔. 他们也在21岁的谢伊·科洛德尼的指导下工作,他只是 在那里开始了研究协调员的职业生涯 第一批进行碳相关土壤研究的大学生之一 农场.  

Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences Kris Covey, who is supervising Tissure and Nizamuddin's research, emphasized Skidmore students' impressive 对及时研究课题的贡献.

“合作伙伴喜欢和我们的学生一起工作,不仅仅是因为他们年轻漂亮 people, but because they’re talented, energetic and possess a set of skills the world 需要解决紧迫的挑战,”柯维说. 

Christina Lindstrom '23 takes photos of the canopy in 北部森林 as part of a project 与GIS跨学科研究中心主任Charlie Bettigole合作 在火博体育.

Christina Lindstrom '23 takes photos of the canopy in 北部森林 as part of a project 与GIS跨学科研究中心主任Charlie Bettigole合作 在火博体育.

Turner is equally impressed by students' achievements, but he is also focused on giving researchers the opportunity to unwind and connect with the community after the pandemic-related 过去一年的挑战. 该项目还包括娱乐活动, 比如和老师和学生一起打保龄球. 

“我喜欢这里的活力. 当面谈这个会好得多!特纳在 网站上说 项目介绍会. “所以,你们都交了一些新朋友,对吧? 你 can go to the dining hall and say, ‘Hey, how’s it going with that research project 清真食品,睡眠调节,3D地图等等?’”  

Since 1989, the collaborative research program has given more than 1,000 students the opportunity to 工作 one-on-one with a faculty member, allowing them to become part of the research enterprise in a way that complements and informs their class 工作. 这项研究可以成为高年级学生的荣誉论文的基础,甚至可以导致 在同行评议的学术期刊上发表文章. 火博体育校友继续 their education in graduate school have reported that experience as researchers has 给了他们作为学者的独特优势. 


90岁的Katie Riker Sternberg正在将创造性思维应用于慈善事业, supporting experiential learning for Skidmore students and another cause dear to her family — opportunities for individuals with autism.

Malika Sawadogo ’24’s Burkina Faso-inspired clothing line won the 2024 Freirich Entrepreneurship Competition and exemplified the creative, 火博体育学院“创智赢家”式竞赛背后的企业家精神.

U.S.+海岸警卫队+ Cmdr.+Michael+Cavanagh+%E2%80%9903+brings+creative+thought+to+his+service+to+his+country+and+fellow+citizens+through+search+and+rescue.
U.S. 海岸警卫队指挥官. Michael Cavanagh ’03 brings creative thought to his service to his country and fellow citizens through search and rescue.